Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flowers to plant...

If you live in the great state of Oklahoma, here are a few plants you might consider planting if you have an area for full sun and want to attract bees and butterflies.

Scabiosa in butterfly blue, shown below. It is also known as pincushion flower. Beautiful blossoms that will bloom all summer if you continue to dead head spent blooms.

Echinacea, or cone flower is also great for full sun gardens. They come in many different varieties and do pretty well as cut flowers for a wildflower bouquet. They mature to a height of 24 to 36 inches. I'm trying out three varieties of Big Sky, Green Envy, Magnus and White Swan. Below is a photo of some of the Big Sky varieties.

Black-Eyed Susans is another sun lover that looks great with cone flowers. Mature height is 2 to 3 feet tall.

Carolina Jessamine is a perfect early blooming climber that loves sun. My friends Dana and Jessica have it growing all over their front porch. Absolutely gorgeous. We just planted some next to an arbor leading into the back yard.

Can't wait for a visit from the hummingbirds. They love the Jessamine as well as Abelias. A beautiful semi-evergreen shrub that has fountain like, arching branches. Flowers from summer into the fall and is a butterfly attractant.

If you would like more information on purchasing any of these or other plants, please feel free to email me.

Happy Planting!

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